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In order to ensure the quality of our products, our factory and products are strictly following both Thai and Italian regulations.

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Thai FDA licence

The Thai Food and Drug Administration is responsible for the protection of the consumer’s health and safety by ensuring the quality and efficacy of food products.

The FDA controls foods products on the Thai market. It oversees the manufacturing, import, and distribution of regulated products to ensure that they comply with strict safety and quality standards.

Thai FDA
serial code number

All products coming from AnticaLuna factory have a thai serial code number approved by the FDA.The Thai Food Code is a 13 digits code and model for best practices to ensure the safe handling of food. It has significantly reduced the risk for foodborne illness within retail establishments, thus strengthening consumer confidence in the safety of the food for sale customers are eating from supermarkets and restaurants.

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Factory licence

We are following the Food Act of 1979 of Thailand, and are a legal food production plant since 2016. Factories in Thailand are subject to different licensing regulations depending on their size, output and probability of pollution and related level of environmental protection concerns. The Thai factory licence ensure that AnticaLuna is following the laws related to the food  manufacturing industry.

Italian Health certificate

WE are provided with Italian Health certificate for all imported raw materials from Italy.

In order to be able to import the manufacturing products, the Italian manufacturer must provide us with adequate products sanitation guarantees.  The international authorities of Thailand (customs or health ministry) must be presented the Italian health certificates, issued from a national authority in Italy, accompanying the raw materials during all the export process. The Italian curd health certificates are  related to the customer country (in our case Thailand) and the type of product to be exported (animal products).

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AnticaLuna Homepage.jpg
Italian Bio Company
101/172-175 Sampeng 2 center, Kanlapaphreuk rd., Khlong Bang Pran, Bangbon, Bangkok 10150 - Thailand
ENG: 092-741-1160
TH: 061-164-1987
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